Trademark Registration

Check the trademark registration in the world tool.

SASAL, INC. could not register a Trademark as a subcontractor corporation because there is no authorized staff. However, we can help you by using our knowledge of past trademark registration.

1. Determine Eligibility

  • Distinctiveness: Your mark must be distinctive and not merely descriptive of the goods or services.
  • Non-conflicting: It should not be confusingly similar to existing trademarks.

2. Conduct a Trademark Search

  • USPTO’s TESS: Use the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) to check for existing trademarks that might conflict with yours.
  • Professional Search: Consider hiring a trademark attorney to conduct a thorough search.

3. Create a USPTO Account

  • USPTO Website: Register for an account on the USPTO website to access the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).

4. Complete the Application

  • Details Required: Provide information about your mark, the goods or services it will represent, and your basis for filing (use in commerce or intent to use).
  • Specimen: Submit a specimen showing how the mark is used in commerce (e.g., labels, tags, or packaging).

5. Submit and Pay

  • TEAS: File your application online through TEAS.
  • Fees: Pay the required filing fee, which varies depending on the type of application and number of classes of goods/services.

6. Examination by USPTO

  • Initial Review: An examining attorney will review your application to ensure it meets all legal requirements.
  • Office Actions: You may receive an office action requiring additional information or clarification. Respond promptly to avoid delays.

7. Publication and Opposition

  • Official Gazette: If your application passes the initial review, it will be published in the USPTO’s Official Gazette.
  • Opposition Period: Third parties have 30 days to file an opposition if they believe your mark will harm their business.

8. Registration

  • No Opposition: If there are no oppositions or if you successfully overcome them, your trademark will be registered.
  • Certificate: You will receive a certificate of registration from the USPTO.

9. Post-Registration Maintenance

  • Continued Use: You must continue to use your trademark in commerce.
  • Renewal: File maintenance documents and pay fees at regular intervals to keep your registration active.

10. Check Status

When you would like to search the status of the Trademark, you could from here.

For more detailed guidance, you can visit the USPTO website123.

Madrid e-Filing is a web service provided by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).

Madrid e-Filing allows you to file an online application for international registration of your trade mark with the home Office and pay the fees. Madrid e-Filing also allows you to correct any deficiencies in your application and to respond to WIPO’s notification of deficiencies.

Certainly! Here are the detailed steps and features of the Madrid Protocol for international trademark registration:

Overview of the Madrid Protocol

The Madrid Protocol, officially known as the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, is an international treaty that simplifies the process of registering trademarks in multiple countries. It was adopted in 1989 and came into force in 199612.

Key Features

  1. Single Application: You can file one application, in one language, and pay one set of fees to seek protection in multiple member countries2.
  2. WIPO Administration: The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) administers the Madrid System, which includes both the Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol1.
  3. Languages: Applications can be submitted in English, French, or Spanish2.
  4. Cost-Effective: It is generally more cost-effective than filing separate applications in each country2.
  5. Centralized Management: You can manage your international trademark portfolio through a single, centralized system, including renewals and changes2.

Steps to Register a Trademark under the Madrid Protocol

  1. Basic Application: Start with a national or regional trademark application or registration in your home country (known as the “basic application” or “basic registration”).
  2. International Application: File an international application through your national or regional trademark office, which will forward it to WIPO.
  3. Examination by WIPO: WIPO examines the application for formalities and, if everything is in order, records the mark in the International Register and publishes it in the WIPO Gazette of International Marks.
  4. Notification to Designated Countries: WIPO notifies the trademark offices of the countries where you seek protection.
  5. National Examination: Each designated country examines the application according to its own laws. If a country raises no objections within a specified period (usually 12-18 months), the mark is protected in that country.
  6. Opposition Period: There may be an opposition period during which third parties can oppose the registration in some countries123.



The Madrid Protocol is a powerful tool for businesses looking to protect their trademarks internationally in a streamlined and cost-effective manner123.