
SASAL is able to provide a “Result-Reward Recruiting Service” to recruit new graduates and mid-career hires. SASAL hopes our services will help you reduce your existing costs and allocate them to other costs to expand your business further. In the past, SASAL has hired graduates from Columbia University and other 100 universities around the world, as well as mid-career professionals from major consulting firms and major U.S. companies. The details are as follows. 

USAGEHuman Resource
GOALThe first interview with a candidate is conducted
TERMNo term
  • SASAL will pay for all advertising and other expenses. We do not charge any fees other than those listed above. 
  • SASAL’s scope of services includes candidate collection and interview settings. After the initial interview, your company will be responsible for the rest of the process.
  • For companies with employment restrictions due to visa or other reasons, SASAL will respond to such restrictions. 


1. Contract & Payment

Please send the attached contract with your signature to this page to and finish the payment.

2. Service In Progress

After getting the contract and payment, clients can start the process. Please take a look at the concrete steps below.

3. Finished

After the service is finished, SASAL, INC. will give you a certificate document to celebrate your business’s growth and the recognition of finishing between us. Thank you all.


  1. SASAL gets the candidate with LinkedIn
  2. The client decides whether to have the interview or not.
  3. SASAL will conduct recruitment activities using LinkedIn.


  • SASAL, INC gives you the Certificate Document after finishing the service at that moment.
  • After six months, when the client hopes to take a service interview movie, SASAL will take one, that is free.

Customer’s voice

Bid System Established

In each country, there is a bidding system from the government via which you are able to get a government job. SASAL, INC sets the infrastructure of the bid system for you, instead of your corporation.

OUTPUTFinish the Setting of the Bid
TERMDelivery 2 Months
Maintenance Fee$100- to hold / year with IC Card Corporation
  • If you would like to choose an IC Card Reader Corporation yourself, please let us know. This cost is not included in the COST because you need to contract directly with the corporation you have chosen and to comply with their fees.
  • If you would like to choose an IC Card Reader by yourself, please tell us. This cost is included in the overall COST.
  • For the preparation of the IC Card, and Unified Supplier Qualification in Japan, your corporation needs to sign in the information; please pay attention to the resource.
  • Maintenance Fee $100- to hold / year with IC Card Corporation
  • Target Country : Japan


1. Contract & Payment

Please send the attached contract with your signature to this page to and finish the payment.

2. Service In Progress

After getting the contract and payment, clients can start the process. Please take a look at the concrete steps below.


  1. Application of the government document and product application
  2. SASAL, INC provides your corporation

3. Certificate Document

After the service is finished, SASAL, INC. will give you a certificate document to celebrate your business’s growth and the recognition of finishing between us. Thank you all.


  • SASAL, INC gives you the Certificate Document after finishing the service at that moment.
  • After six months, when the client hopes to take a service interview movie, SASAL will take one, that is free.



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Marketing Infrastructure

When clients would like to start the marketing process, SASAL INC sets the infrastructure.

USAGEFor the growth of the Sales
OUTPUTMarketing Infrastructure Setting
・Google Ad
TERMOne Month


1. Contract & Payment

Please send the attached contract with your signature to this page to and finish the payment.

2. Service In Progress

After getting the contract and payment, clients can start the process. Please take a look at the concrete steps below.

  1. SASAL, INC shares the text to the client
  2. Client sends back the text
  3. SASAL, INC set each platform (1month)
  4. SASAL, INC shares the login link to the client

3. Certificate Document

After the service is finished, SASAL, INC. will give you a certificate document to celebrate your business’s growth and the recognition of finishing between us. Thank you all.


  • SASAL, INC gives you the Certificate Document after finishing the service at that moment.
  • After six months, when the client hopes to take a service interview movie, SASAL will take one, that is free.



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SASAL, INC clients are able to apply your product to the OEM Page. For publish the booth of the SASAL, INC Conference you need to submit OEM ahead.


When you would like to introduce your product via SASAL, INC, your corporation is able to use the SASAL Conference for it.

GOAL Exhibit your booth at SASAL Conference and SASAL, INC shares it on YouTube Live.
TERMPer Month
  • When you are holding the booth at the event, SASAL INC advertise your booth on YouTube Live.
  • Attending the SASAL Conference is Free when you are a client.


1. Contract & Payment

Please send the attached contract with your signature to this page to and finish the payment.

2. Service In Progress

After getting the contract and payment done, clients can start the process. Please take a look at the concrete steps below.

3. Finished

After the service is finished, SASAL, INC. will give you a certificate document to celebrate your business’s growth and the recognition of finishing between us. Thank you all.


  1. Application in progress
  2. Bring the booth content to the event
  3. Take a video during the event
  4. Publish the video via SASAL, INC.


  • SASAL, INC gives you the Certificate Document after finishing the service at that moment.
  • After six months, when the client hopes to take a service interview movie, SASAL will take one, that is free.



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By using the package that is customized by SASAL, INC. Your corporation is able to level-up its marketing even more.

USAGEGrow marketing and Sales with efficiency.
GOALS Receive the HP package that is the same as SASAL, INC.
TERM2 days
  • SASAL, INC employee doesn’t build the web page. If there are questions, please ask them in the counselor meeting.


1. Contract & Payment

Please send the attached contract with your signature to this page to and finish the payment.

2. Service In Progress

After getting the contract and payment done, clients can start the process. Please take a look at the concrete steps below.

3. Finished

After the service is finished, SASAL, INC. will give you a certificate document to celebrate your business’s growth and the recognition of finishing between us. Thank you all.


  1. Share the Package of SASAL HP from E-mail
  2. Set the WordPress by your corporation
  3. Install the plugin to WordPress (SASAL, INC Shares the Customized Plugin)
  4. Install the Zip file (SASAL, INC Shares the Zip)
  5. Change the contents by yourself
  6. If there are questions, please ask in the counselor meeting.


  • SASAL, INC gives you the Certificate Document after finishing the service at that moment.
  • After six months, when the client hopes to take a service interview movie, SASAL will take one, that is free.



The white book is a book for the corporation that would like to understand its own current status by using a third party corporation like SASAL INC.

MERITUnderstand your current corporate status, and grow your corporation.
OUTPUTWhite Book
TERM1.5 Month
  • When the target corporation is a non-listed corporation, the data might be non-accurate.
  • When a client would like to add more detailed information, SASAL, INC is able to handle it by getting the information from the client.


1. Contract & Payment

Please send the attached contract with your signature to this page to and finish the payment.

2. Service In Progress

After getting the contract and payment, clients can start the process. Please take a look at the concrete steps below.

  1. Get the target corporate name from the client.
  2. SASAL makes the white book and sends it after finishing it.

3. Finished

After the service is finished, SASAL, INC. will give you a certificate document to celebrate your business’s growth and the recognition of finishing between us. Thank you all.


  • SASAL, INC gives you the Certificate Document after finishing the service at that moment.
  • After six months, when the client hopes to take a service interview movie, SASAL will take one, that is free.

Customers’ voice


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Power Point

This service is the most flexible and reasonable service in SASAL, INC. The details of the service are written in the document below. Clients can start this service automatically depending on your timing by passing the flow below.

COST$200/Slide + Tax
GOALS SASAL INC takes care of the Logic Creation, Research, Adjustment, Excel creation, Multi Languages and Onsite Work
TERMPer Project


1. Contract & Payment

Please send the attached contract with your signature to this page to and finish the payment.

2. Service In Progress

After getting the contract and payment, clients can start the process. Please take a look at the concrete steps below.

3. Certificate Document

After the service is finished, SASAL, INC. will give you a certificate document to celebrate your business’s growth and the recognition of finishing between us. Thank you all.

Service In progress Details

  1. Getting the Information from the client from the counselor time or contract page
  2. Creation of the Document from SASAL
  3. Submitted document from SASAL


  • SASAL, INC gives you the Certificate Document after finishing the service at that moment.
  • After six months, when the client hopes to take a service interview movie, SASAL will take one, that is free.

Consumers’ voice


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Table of Contents

Thank you for joining the SASAL, INC. On this page, SASAL, INC introduces you to the usage of the SASAL, INC.

Grow with SASAL

To increase future value, there are services in the SASAL, INC. All the services are shown on the HP. If you would like to contract the services to increase the future value, please feel free to ask SASAL, INC members.

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