How to operate Global Accounting with right way

Those are the things you need to consider before starting a global business. With information on SASAL, INC, we will explain global accounting.

Basic Information

1. Different Accounting Standards

There are two types of accounting standards: IFRS vs. GAAP. IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) is used by over 140 countries, including the European Union, Canada, and many Asian countries. IFRS aims to bring transparency, accountability, and efficiency to financial markets around the world. GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) is primarily used in the United States. GAAP is more rules-based, whereas IFRS is principles-based. This means GAAP provides specific guidelines for various scenarios, while IFRS allows for more interpretation and judgment.

The Key Differences in the Accounting Standards are below.

  • Revenue Recognition: IFRS uses a single model for revenue recognition, while GAAP has multiple standards.
  • Inventory Accounting: IFRS prohibits the use of LIFO (Last In, First Out) method, which is allowed under GAAP.
  • Development Costs: Under IFRS, development costs can be capitalized if certain criteria are met, whereas GAAP typically requires these costs to be expensed as incurred.

2. Currency Exchange Rates

The impact on Financial Statements is below. Translation Risk: When consolidating financial statements, the exchange rate used can significantly impact the reported results. Companies must decide whether to use the current rate, average rate, or historical rate. Transaction Risk: This arises from the actual exchange of currencies in business transactions. Companies need to manage this risk through hedging strategies like forward contracts or options.

Best Practices:

  • Consistent Application: Use consistent methods for translating foreign currency transactions to ensure comparability.
  • Disclosure: Clearly disclose the methods and rates used in financial statements to provide transparency to stakeholders.

3. Tax Regulations

Corporate Tax Rates vary widely between countries. For example, Ireland has a corporate tax rate of 12.5%, while the U.S. has a rate of 21%. Transfer Pricing Rules that govern the pricing of transactions between related entities in different countries. Compliance with local transfer pricing regulations is crucial to avoid penalties.

  • Tax Planning: Engage in proactive tax planning to optimize the overall tax burden.
  • Documentation: Maintain thorough documentation to support the tax positions taken, especially for transfer pricing.

4. Consolidation of Financial Statements


  • Different Reporting Periods: Subsidiaries may have different fiscal year-ends. Aligning these periods is necessary for consolidation.
  • Intercompany Transactions: Eliminate intercompany transactions to avoid double counting.


  • Uniform Accounting Policies: Ensure all subsidiaries follow uniform accounting policies for consolidation.
  • Adjustments: Make necessary adjustments for differences in accounting standards and practices.

5. Cultural Differences

Impact on Business Practices:

  • Communication Styles: Direct vs. indirect communication can affect how financial information is reported and interpreted.
  • Decision-Making: Hierarchical vs. collaborative decision-making processes can influence financial management and reporting.


  • Cultural Training: Provide cultural training to accounting staff to enhance understanding and cooperation.
  • Local Expertise: Employ local experts who understand the cultural nuances and can bridge gaps.

6. Regulatory Compliance

Varying Requirements:

  • Financial Reporting: Different countries have specific requirements for financial disclosures, audit standards, and filing deadlines.
  • Data Protection: Regulations like GDPR in Europe impact how financial data is handled and reported.

Staying Updated:

  • Regular Monitoring: Keep abreast of changes in local regulations through regular monitoring and updates.
  • Compliance Programs: Implement robust compliance programs to ensure adherence to local laws.

7. Technology and Systems


  • Accounting Software: Use integrated accounting software that supports multiple currencies, languages, and accounting standards.
  • Data Consistency: Ensure data consistency across different systems and locations.


  • Efficiency: Streamlined processes and real-time data access improve efficiency and decision-making.
  • Accuracy: Reduces the risk of errors and discrepancies in financial reporting.

In the Case of SASAL, INC.

In SASAL, INC, we use Dynamics 365 and Quick Books & Money Foward; for domestic corporations, SASAL, INC recommends using the domestic accounting tool because the big corporation’s system needs to be customized, so domestic accounting is better for operating actual accounting. Domestic tools are more efficient because they can handle more than just the actual accounting, such as dealing with on-boarding. However, for the analysis of all corporations, SASAL recommends a big corporation’s tool by connecting it to a small corporation’s tool.

In the case of SASAL, INC, the first problem is to set the accounting regulations. For a smooth way, SASAL sets the rules before the transaction is done too much. If you ask a big corporation to fix the regulations, that takes time; therefore, SASAL recommends starting from small by learning systematically.

When you contract SASAL’s counselor service, we are able to show SASAL’s case. Thank you.

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