How many companies are in the world?

Number of Enterprises

Approximately 333 million: It’s estimated that there are around 333 million companies worldwide. This number includes businesses of all sizes, from small sole proprietorships to large multinational corporations.


Enterprises are typically segmented in a few different ways:


  • Micro-enterprises ( ~90%): They account for the overwhelming majority of businesses worldwide. These are often family-run or very small-scale operations. (Fewer than 10 employees)
  • Small enterprises (5-8%): Businesses playing an important role in local economies.(10 to 49 employees)
  • Medium-sized enterprises (~1-2%): Increasingly significant players with higher employment and economic impact.(50 to 249 employees)
  • Large enterprises (<1%): Relatively small in number, but command significant economic resources.(250 or more employees)


Enterprises are divided into numerous industries based on the products or services they provide.

  • Technology: A rapidly growing sector including software development, hardware manufacturing, IT services, and more.
  • Healthcare: Encompasses hospitals, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and health insurance providers.
  • Manufacturing: Production of goods ranging from cars and electronics to textiles and food products.
  • Finance: Includes banks, investment firms, insurance companies, and other financial institutions.
  • Retail: The sale of goods to consumers, including online stores and physical shops.
  • Energy: Oil & gas, renewable sources, utilities – essential for powering societies.
  • Agriculture: Farming, food processing, and related activities that form the food supply chain.
  • Transportation: The movement of goods and people via air, road, rail, and sea.
  • Construction: Building of residential and commercial structures, and infrastructure projects.
  • Education: Schools, universities, and training providers.
  • Hospitality: Hotels, restaurants, tourism –focused on the travel experience.
  • Professional Services: Accounting, law, consulting, and other services businesses.
  • Government: Public sector organizations providing essential societal services.
  • Non-profit Organizations: Driven by missions like social welfare, environmental protection, and charity.

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