SASAL, INC. is based in the New York City Markets. We use the SASAL connection to support your investment. SASAL, INC is not VC, so we can introduce the corporation to support it. For a corporate introduction, you need to contact a counselor service. Those are the recommended support from SASAL in the counseling service range.
- Share Information on LinkedIn with your representative picture.
- Take a video of your corporation’s advertised video as a review of the counselor service and share it on YouTube.
By considering both sides of a situation, SASAL doesn’t introduce the corporation through private communication after hearing your corporation’s information. Basically, SASAL uses public tools like SNS because there are already established connections. However, if there are past consultations from the start-up corporation to SASAL about investment, SASAL can introduce the corporation through self-communication.
- When you would like to market in New York, or if there are some questions about strategy, we can answer them in the range of counselor services.
- SASAL can get a consultation from the counselor page if there is another demand, like due diligence or something else.
Corporate Account
CEO Account
Talking about YouTube, we are not sharing the dashboard information because of the YouTube policy.